Your holiday survival checklist is inside

It’s not just you — a study by Healthline found that when it comes to health and finances, not only do 44% of people think the holidays are “somewhat stressful”…

18% of them classified them as “very stressful”!

The good news? You can conquer both areas – you just need a roadmap.

Thriving Through the Holidays Checklist:

  • Make your plans TODAY.
    If you love last-minute shopping, leave a couple of small things undone, but get all the big things handled ASAP … and make packing or organizing lists if your holidays involve travel or entertainment.
  • Make time for movement EVERY DAY, no excuses.
    This will help you destress, sleep better, and boost your energy, metabolism, and immune system.
  • Eat till you’re satisfied (not stuffed!).
    Decide NOW that this will be your plan of action!
  • But still enjoy the “worth it” favorite holiday treats. 
  • Make time for sleep.
    A rested body & mind = better mood, less stress, and more vibrant health.
  • Go outside for some fresh air and sunshine every day.
    This is a proven stress-buster!
  • Create a fallback plan.
    Things will go sideways at some point. But when you have a plan, you won’t stress out when it happens.

When you boil your to-do lists down to the actions that really make a difference – and eliminate the things that don’t – it’s amazing how much you can accomplish…

WITHOUT the stress.

This is the same approach we use with our clients. We create a roadmap of the BEST actions that will propel them toward their goals.

Here’s to less stress and more of what really matters!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



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