The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge

It’s time for the 12 Days of Fitmas Workout Challenge to help you stay healthy and active over the holidays.  Are you ready to ramp up that energy and have some FUN!?

12 Days of Fitmas

Staying Active over the Holidays

You already know that regular exercise will help you:

→ blow off some stress

→ boost your immunity

→ improve your sleep

→ lower your risk of a long list of chronic diseases.

This workout is proof that you can get all those benefits in a short amount of time.

This workout is done to the format of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.” 

That makes it a novelty – which means it’s a perfect time to get some kids or friends involved!

How to Complete the Challenge Workout

Every round, you add a new exercise, and you do that exercise for the number of reps it would be for the day it represents in the song.

For round 1, you would do 1 jumping jack.

Round 2 you would do 2 burpees + 1 jumping jack.

Round 3 would be 3 push-ups + 2 burpees + 1 jumping jack … all the way to round 12, where you would do the whole thing from day 12 through day 1.

You’ll feel so accomplished after you do this! 

The 12 Days of Fitmas Workout

Warm-up with 5-10 minutes of light cardio … walking in place, treadmill, etc., and light stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.)

Be sure to cool down with some light movement (walking, stretching, etc.) to bring your heart rate down.

It’s a fun way to get a little movement in AND know that you’ve done something great for yourself!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



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