It only takes ONE reason to do this…

I’ve got a BIG question for you, but before I ask it, I want you to fire up your imagination… 

Picture yourself exactly one year from now: assume you had an AMAZING year and were all-in on your goals.

Tell me how you feel. I’m talking about your health, energy, strength, confidence … your quality of life. 

Ok, now hold that feeling in your head and really connect with it! 

Are you holding it in your mind right now?   Can you picture how you look and feel? 

Ok, now … imagine you started working toward your goals exactly ONE YEAR AGO. And also that you followed through on your commitment to yourself to make it happen.

Here’s the question:

How would you feel right now? What would be different?

The answers are probably both empowering and sobering. I mean, IF ONLY, right?

There’s your fuel to make your goals happen … starting RIGHT NOW! 

You can’t change the past, but you have the choice to create a different future. 

Ask yourself… Do I want the NEXT 12 months to look different than the last 12? 

I know I certainly do.  And before the negative voice in your head starts telling you why you can’t, know this: we ALL have a list of reasons why we “CAN’T” move forward toward our goals.

Here are just a few I’ve heard over the years:

→ I don’t have time

→ I haven’t been able to stick with anything in the past

→ Nothing I’ve tried has actually worked for me 

→ I can’t commit to a routine

→ I don’t have the energy

→ I’ll get exhausted and too sore 

→ I’m worried about getting hurt

→ I’m not motivated enough right now

What if you came up with JUST ONE REASON why you need to make it happen? 

Something that has real meaning and power for you! Just one!

Do you have one? If not, spend a little time reflecting on your reason. Because you DESERVE IT. 

I KNOW you can reach your goals. You just have to believe it yourself. 

Life is too short and precious not to go for it. Don’t you agree!? 

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



Working around a night owl’s schedule

Working around a night owl’s schedule

Are you one of those people who likes to burn the midnight oil?  That means you probably fall into the NIGHT OWL category … which is linked with being open-minded and creative. But as it also turns out, people who are night owls are more likely to be LESS ACTIVE...

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