The key to fewer bad days

The key to fewer bad days

It’s almost the week of Thanksgiving! And with all of the fun and busy-ness of the holiday, things can get a little hectic and crazy. Am I right?! Run to this store … go to that place … pick this up … drop that off … get this done … and the list goes on and on.  The...
The Myth Of Being “Too Busy”

The Myth Of Being “Too Busy”

We’re heading into a “special” time of year for your fitness: The holidays! And not just any holiday – but the holidays of 2020. I want you to be ready and fired up! A couple of weeks ago I sent an email about finishing the year STRONG. But there’s something...
The 2020 Countdown is ON!

The 2020 Countdown is ON!

The 2020 Countdown is ON! I’ve got a serious question for you today …  … there have been literally thousands of memes on social media this year, joking about how crazy 2020 has been and guessing what terrible thing is going to happen next. You’ve probably seen them....
One day…. or day one?

One day…. or day one?

I have a little challenge for you that can change your day (and week!) for the better. This quote is one of my favorites… “One day, or Day One. You decide.”– Unknown With this topsy-turvy year, one of the many lessons has been that there’s uncertainty in...
Feel Better in Just 15 Minutes…

Feel Better in Just 15 Minutes…

Have you ever noticed how invigorated you feel after you go for a walk … do some yoga … or even get up off the couch to tackle some chores? There are so many reasons for this “feel good” effect that extends far beyond the mood-boosting hormones that get released when...
Important news about your immune system

Important news about your immune system

Controversy alert today! If this year has taught us anything, it has been how important it is to be PROACTIVE and take charge of your personal HEALTH and HAPPINESS as much as possible. We have heard a lot about preventing the spread of illnesses this year… but one...