Junk Food “Addiction” and Nighttime Snacking

Junk Food “Addiction” and Nighttime Snacking

This month we’re giving special focus to something that I know a LOT of you are interested in …Cleaning it up!  By that I mean, focusing on cleaning up our diets, our self-care and cleaning products, our homes, and even the info we feed our brain. Let’s talk about ONE...
How Getting Older Affects Your Gut

How Getting Older Affects Your Gut

Let’s talk about a topic a lot of people feel uncomfortable talking about:  DIGESTION.   When it’s working great, life is GOOD! And when it’s not, well … you can feel bloated, gassy, sluggish, and just plain BLAH. Lots of factors can affect your digestion – including...
How Much Muscle do you Lose After 30?

How Much Muscle do you Lose After 30?

Have you ever heard that saying, “It’s not just the years in your life, but the life in your years”? I have an eye-opening and fun “what if” exercise for you today to bring that saying to life – YOUR life! It harnesses the power of visualization to...
The Truth About Discipline

The Truth About Discipline

This month we’re zeroing in on RESULTS and what you need to do to make your goals a reality. I have some SERIOUS motivation for you today. It all starts with a time-tested truth that dates all the way back to the year 350 BC (give or take a year or two!). That’s when...