4 Simple Core Strength Exercises to Help YSquat Stronger!

An out-of-balance core can make it a LOT harder for you to reach your fitness and strength goals!

10 Ways to Love Your Body Today (& Every Day)

Doing any one of these things with intention and purpose, they will help you feel better: mind, body, and spirit.And you definitely deserve that!

The 7 Signs You Have a Weak Core That You Can’t Ignore

Have you noticed any of these 7 warning signs that you have a weak core?

Better posture starts with a stronger core

Better posture starts with a stronger core!

How to reset your day

You know I am all about POSITIVE ACTION, right? Basically, focusing on the actions that will move you toward whatever it is that you want.

Make it easier to reach your goals in 2025

I want to talk about your ENVIRONMENT and whether it is supporting your goals …

10 Real Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer if You Want to Kickstart Your Fitness

There’s a reason celebs and CEOs will hire a personal trainer when they want to get in shape: they work. Trainers are one of the fastest, most effective ways to boost your health and fitness. Once seen as a luxury for the rich and famous, they’ve gone...

6 Important Questions to Help You Reach Your Goals in 2025

I’ve got a GREAT mindset exercise that’ll help you set amazing new goals for 2022, and even more importantly…Give you the power to reach those goals.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday this year!

Here is our wish for you: It’s that you continue to make the time for YOU and your self-care …and that you make YOU a priority.

The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge

Regular exercise will help you blow off some stress, boost your immunity, improve your sleep and lower your risk of a long list of chronic diseases. This workout is proof that you can get all those benefits in a short amount of time!

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The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge

The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge

Regular exercise will help you blow off some stress, boost your immunity, improve your sleep and lower your risk of a long list of chronic diseases. This workout is proof that you can get all those benefits in a short amount of time!

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How to earn your sleep

How to earn your sleep

You know those nights when you slip into bed and the sheets feel soooo good? Your body is tired, your mind is calm, and you’re perfectly set up for a great night of Zzzs.

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Carrot vs. stick

Carrot vs. stick

Which motivates you more: Running toward something you want (a “carrot”) OR Running away from something you want to escape (a “stick”)?

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Your Power List

Your Power List

It turns out a simple to-do list is a POWERFUL science-backed tool in helping to get things done… and also in reducing stress.

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Something to look forward to…

Something to look forward to…

Can you believe we’re just about to say goodbye to 2023? I started to write you an email about setting goals for the coming year. But then I thought it would be more exciting to go even BIGGER — and set a THEME for 2024.

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