3 Post-Grocery-Shopping Hacks

3 Post-Grocery-Shopping Hacks

Want to stop wasting food and start making the most out of your grocery hauls?If you find that your fruits, veggies, and herbs tend to go bad before you can use them…I have 3 “post-grocery-shopping” tips you’re going to love.Ready?1. Freeze your greensIf you’re a...
9 pro-level grocery skills inside!

9 pro-level grocery skills inside!

Confession time… Raise your hand if you’ve ever left your grocery list at home! (You can’t see me right now but my hand is up!)It’s the worst, isn’t it? You walk in, you see those big bright lights, and all of a sudden… your mind goes blank. What were you here for...
5 Superfoods For Serious Results

5 Superfoods For Serious Results

I get asked a ton of questions about food… what to eat, when to eat, etc. Usually my answer is that you really can’t go wrong with whole “real” foods — the kinds of foods that don’t come from a manufacturer and that don’t have a long list of ingredients. But some...
In praise of taking breaks!

In praise of taking breaks!

Let’s talk about the most overlooked — and underappreciated! — productivity hack out there… Taking regular breaks during the day! The problem with taking breaks is that it can feel like you’re slacking… But you’re not. Any here’s why: Being “always on” can lead to...
Your Power List

Your Power List

When I was growing up, every morning a new index card popped up on the kitchen counter. It was my Mom’s list of things to do (on top of going to work).  It was her “power list” because it helped her power through her busy days. I never really gave her list much...