This trap kills your goals

This trap kills your goals

You know I like to focus on the positive, right? Well, I’m about to tell you how NOT to reach your goals this year. Because there’s one big mistake you can make that can push you into a HUGE trap – and you’ll end up feeling frustrated, burned out, and like a quitter....
How to make your goals stick in 2023

How to make your goals stick in 2023

Ready to make some serious progress on your goals in 2023? Well, I’ve got an exercise that’ll help in a BIG way. Remember this quote from Nelson Mandela: “I either win or I learn” … because it’ll help set the tone for what you’re about to do. Ready? Let’s get into it!...
Make time for YOU (starting today)

Make time for YOU (starting today)

Do me (and yourself) a favor! Take a sec and relax your shoulders and your jaw. Right now! Then, draw in a nice slow breath … and feel those muscles relax even MORE. Forget everything on your to-do list (for just a second). What are you doing for YOU today? A LOT of...
Your holiday survival checklist is inside

Your holiday survival checklist is inside

It’s not just you — a study by Healthline found that when it comes to health and finances, not only do 44% of people think the holidays are “somewhat stressful”… 18% of them classified them as “very stressful”! The good news? You can conquer both areas – you...
Future you will thank you for this

Future you will thank you for this

Over the years, I’ve had tons of clients tell me they were going to take the holidays off from their workouts and that they’d see me again in January. And then in January, they said they wished they hadn’t taken the break! They felt like they were starting over again....